Sunday 26 February 2012

There's a Method to the Madness

     As chaotic as this world can be at times, there are certainly some fundamental patterns that we can observe. The sun rises in the East, sets in the West; life begins, develops, and eventually yields a new round of life to start over; tides rise and fall twice each day. One of the most fundamental patterns is the tendency for things to move from chaos to order, then from the new order begins a new round of chaos on a more precise level.      

     What starts the pattern, order or chaos, seems to be a chicken or the egg type of question. For that reason, thinking about it as a continuous circle may be helpful. That being said, let's start with chaos since that's where the most action can be observed. Chaos, in all cases, seems to have a sort of expiration date or duration. That is easy enough to conceive seeing as nothing lasts forever, even great stars collapse when their energy is exhausted. At the beginning of chaos, there is the highest likelihood for maximum level of disorder. Amidst all the chaos, there are always certain interactions that can occur that will create slightly more stable structures and remove some of the variables from the mess. This is probably because even extremely unlikely events are all but guaranteed to occur when the timeline is drawn out long enough. As time moves forward, these more permanent, lasting, stable structures continue to absorb an increasing amount of the randomness.
     It's important to note that whatever characteristic defined the chaos never completely goes away. What it does do is continually approach a specific limit that it never quite reaches (similar to the second type of infinity discussed previously- In any case, the changes that were occurring continue at a decreasing, more stable, rate. This stability, or order, becomes the basis for a new round of chaos, constructed of the more specifically organized structures that emerged. From here, the pattern repeats. These larger structures become the new variables in their own realm of chaos, interactions happen that unite them, removing some of the chaos, this happens at a decreasing rate. From these larger structures begins to emerge an overall order, and those larger structures become the basic unit for the next round of ordering, and the process repeats.

     Tomorrow I will expand on this idea with some specific examples of the phenomena. Thank you again to those who have stuck it out to here. If there are ever any questions, doubts, or even people just wanting to play devil's advocate, please raise your question. This blog is very much based on observation so if someone observes something that doesn't fit the scheme, it is necessary for me to incorporate into my superstructure of ideas. Thanks again.

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