Friday 24 February 2012

Super Structure of Ideas

    In our increasingly intricate and organized existences here on planet Earth, innumerable theories and ideas come to be every day. Most of them are extremely specific to certain activities, sports, arts, economics, social interactions, animal interactions, food, health, and/or any other topic someone can fathom. As influential as any one of these individual branches of thought are, what interests me are the larger scale ideas that seem to affect all of the sub categories in one way or another. These patterns that repeat regardless of the specific branch of thought or activity give a certain universality, or context, to all the smaller occurrences. This blog space certainly will not be dedicated exclusively to those ideas. However, seeing as these subtle super structures influence all the particularities, in my opinion, they merit some exploration. I have found that as I better recognize these larger scale patterns, it becomes increasingly easier for me to understand and learn about specific subjects that affect me and that I affect in turn.

     This post is purposefully lacking specific examples of this phenomena. It is meant to create a general framework one could use to better understand topics that I will later expand upon. Some of those topics include but are not limited to the following: Chaos to order, Learning and precision, Awareness, Vision, and Epiphanies.

    Lastly, thank you to anyone taking time to explore this space with me. My hope is that through exploring and documenting some specific branches of thought of mine, I will continue to notice some of the larger super structures that were always there, influencing me from the beginning. Again, Thank You.

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