Friday 9 March 2012

Where Learning Meets Order

     I've come to realize that the ideas I wish to express are getting more complicated in nature.  Therefore my posts will be truncated into smaller, more manageable posts from here on out (or so I say for now.)

    In earlier posts, I brought up a fundamental phenomena in the universe. This would be the chaos/order feedback loop as I've come to call it recently (see "There's a Method to the Madness".) In my last post I made an attempt to follow that pattern and its impact on the organization of the physical universe, its' continuation into the biological mechanism, and extension into life and animal consciousness/awareness. As mentioned in the previous post, this conversation is working towards the intersection of chaos/order and learning. After an extremely brief, yet simultaneously long winded, overview, we have nearly arrived. Before we jump right in, there are some concepts that should be reviewed and perhaps revised as we move from the objective occurrences that arranged the universe to the subjective experience of learning and idea acquisition.

     Though the conditions of chaos and order continually fluctuate, there are some uniting traits throughout. Thus far, the condition of chaos has been characterized by high levels of variability within a given setting. In the physical ordering it means lots of variability of the actual elements and molecules. On the biological level, the variables that cause chaos are the ratios of food in comparison to the population of a given organism (there are many other variables at this level as well.) Order is then when the conditions have relatively few variables, when the condition is stable. Before consciousness comes into play, I say that the chaos/order phenomena has caused the universe to be organized in a more "specific" way. Specific refers to the lack of intention that has accompanied the increasingly ordered arrangement of material particles in the universe. As we move into learning, chaos and order will still continue to present themselves in new settings and with new faces. However, "specific" will start to be replaced by the word "precise" as intention enters the picture.

     Though learning is not always intentional by the learner, it does seem to require some level of active awareness. Because I am trying to combine these ideas in a way that can help us actively learn, intention plays an integral role in the process. When intention unites with doing anything, precision is the underlying quality for which we strive. Precision within a given field is the defining characteristic that masters of any trade share.

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